Sun, May 12, 2024

PAR 2024 Test-n-Tune #2

Cohen Stadium

About this event

Welcome to the Pan American Region (PAR) of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA)!

We are a community of drivers and fans in the El Paso borderland region. We work together to maximize the fun, joy, and excitement of quick precision driving and competition. When you register for this event, you are joining that community, and it’s going to be a blast!

Somos una comunidad de conductores y aficionados  en la region fronteriza de El Paso.  Trabajamos juntos para maximizar la diversion, alegria y emoción al conducir para competir rapido y con precisión. Cuando te registras para este evento estas uniendote a nuestra comunidad y va ser increible!

This autosport event is Solo Autocross: Drivers compete against the clock on a road course marked by cones. The course is designed to challenge drivers’ skills and vehicle handling, not engine power and top speed. Almost any road-legal car that is not a rollover risk can be driven. Cars are classed by capabilities and those classes are used to adjust times to level the driving field, allowing driver-to-driver comparison and competition.

Este evento de Autocross se hace individualmente:  Los conductores compiten contra el reloj en una pista marcada por conos.  La pista esta diseñada para un desafio de las habilidades y el manejo del conductor  y no del motor o la mejor velocidad.  Cualquier auto legal que no tenga riesgo de volcarse se puede usar para  el evento.  Los autos son clasificados por capacidad y esas clasificaciones se usan para ajustar tiempo y elevar el campo de conduccion, permitiendo comparacion y competicion de conductor a conductor.


What should you expect?

At your first PAR SCCA Solo event, you’ll have to register, sign a waiver of liability, show a valid driver’s license, get your vehicle inspected for classification and safety (requirements - see Solo rules HERE), and get your helmet inspected (requirements HERE). (PAR SCCA has loaner helmets available).  You’ll then have the opportunity to walk the course. You will be asked to help with setting up the event.  There will be a mandatory drivers’ meeting where rules and regulations along with safety procedures will be explained. Drivers will be divided into two groups, one group will drive the course while the other group officiates: controlling starts, noting when cones are hit or drivers leave the course, resetting hit cones, etc., etc. Drivers will drive multiple runs, and their best time of the day will be used for competition. When all drivers in both groups have completed their runs, everyone will work to collect all the cones and equipment and clean up the event. Final results will be announced and trophies for the day will be awarded.


  • Drivers can have one passenger who must use a seat, seatbelt, and helmet.
  • Securely mounted cameras are welcome. Passengers and Drivers are PROHIBITED from operating hand-held equipment during runs.
  • Passengers and Drivers shall keep all body parts inside the car throughout each run.
  • Any adult in the hot areas (grid & course) must have signed a waiver, but non-drivers do not need to register or pay a fee.
  • Minors 12-18 years of age can participate as passengers, volunteers, etc. They can drive adhering to any restrictions on their valid driver’s license. Minors are required to sign a waiver and have a waiver signed by all parents. Minors under 12 are only allowed as spectators in the designated areas and under adult supervision at all times.


  • 7:00 am - 7:45 am — Setup   ALL PARTICIPANTS ARE EXPECTED TO HELP SETUP*  
  • 7:00 am - 8:45 am — Course open for walking 
  • 7:45 am - 8:30 am — Tech Inspection & Registration — NO REGISTRATIONS TAKEN AFTER 8:30 am 
  • 8:30 am - 9:00 am — Mandatory Drivers Meeting & Workers Assignment 
  • 9:00 am – 9:15 am — Workers Out to Stations 
  • 9:30 am - 1:30 pm — Unlimited Timed Driver Runs
  • 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm — Course tear down, equipment all loaded into Club trailer** 

Times are nominal.  All entrants must work the heat they are not running, so plan to be there the full day.

Entry Fees:

  • Pre-registration saves you $10!  There is a $10 extra fee for walk-up registrations!
  • SCCA Members - Pre-registered - $55.  Or pay $65 in walk-up registration
  • Non-SCCA Members (includes $15 required weekend SCCA membership) - Pre-registered - $70.  Or pay $80 in walk-up registration
  • You can pay online with a Credit/Debit card or Check via
  • Also for pre-registered and walk-up registration, you can pay with cash, check, or credit card at the event  


The Test-n-Tune event is designed to allow competitors to test their cars, adjust their setups, experiment with different tires/settings/etc. This is a great opportunity to get some seat time as well as dial in your car for the season. We have designed a test-n-tune course that will be the same for all future test-n-tune events: this allows you to benchmark your skill and car setups to ensure you get the max out of yourself and your car's potential.

The format will be as follows:

  1. The event is solely for making runs for practice/car setup adjustments. This is not a competitive event.
  2. The event will run for four hours, and drivers are required to stay the four hours to complete their work assignments.
  3. At the drivers' meeting, a sign-up sheet will be available. Each driver is required to work (either coursework or special assignment) for one hour; the remaining three hours are available for lapping the course. Because we need corner workers at all times, all drivers will need to stay for the entire duration of the event. The sign-up sheet will have time slots for drivers to sign up.
  4. All standard autocross & safety rules apply, specifically:
    1. The car must come to a COMPLETE stop at the course finish. Failure to do so will: 1) earn a warning for the first offense, and 2) the driver will be asked to leave the event with no refund on the second offense. This is purely for the safety of all those in attendance.
    2. If a driver loses control at the finish and damages timing equipment, they will be charged a $100 fee to replace the damaged equipment. This fee is due immediately to the club. Failure to pay the fee will result in the driver being asked to leave the event with no refund and may include a permanent ban from all future club events.
    3. All cars must satisfactorily complete a technical inspection. We perform annual tech inspections, so if a car passes inspection at this event, a sticker will be placed on the windshield of the car which means no further tech inspections are needed for 2024.
    4. No smoking in the grid or on course.
    5. If a kart is present, no car shall have its engine running while the kart is moving in the grid.
    6. If you will be working on your car, you are required to place jack stands under the car anytime it's being worked on. If you bring fuel cans to refuel during the event, you must inform club staff so that a fire extinguisher is present while the car is being refueled.
    7. All times will be displayed on our light board, but will not be recorded. The light board will face the finish and will be viewable after you complete your run.
    8. Last but not least - have fun!

Each run will be made on a technically designed, but challenging, course defined by orange traffic pylons - the course will be specific to test-n-tune events. Top Speeds are generally kept under 70 mph by the fastest or most powerful vehicles and the course can be anywhere between 30 to 60 seconds in duration. The length of each run is usually a quarter to half of a mile.

Only one rider per vehicle will be allowed to ride as a passenger in a given run provided that they are at least 12 years of age ( and have a signed parental or guardian form filled-out ) and have signed the event waiver form, plus the temporary weekend membership form.

Loaner helmets will be available at the event or you may use your helmet provided that it confirms the 2024 SCCA Solo Rules requirements. 

Every competitor must have a current and valid driver's license or current and valid driver's permit ( with a signed parental or guardian form filled out at the time of registration ) and must be prepared to present it at the registration table.

All vehicles must conform to the 2024 SCCA Solo Rules safety inspection. It will consist of making sure that all batteries are properly fastened in place, wheel bearings at all four positions are in good shape, seat belts are in good shape and properly fastened, brake pedal test involving no mushy brake feel or leaks, all lug nuts at each position are in place and properly torqued,  all tires may not have any cords or belts showing & are not cracked or split anywhere on the carcass, etc. All coolant, brakes, engine, or transmission leaks will be allowed if found to be excessive. All cars must have mufflers and be reasonably quiet during operation.

*We ask that all participants help during the setup of the course to help keep the event running smoothly and efficiently.
**We will need everyone's help & cooperation in picking up the course and loading the pylons and all the equipment back into the trailer.

We hope that every one of you will come out to experience and enjoy the exciting world of solo racing & competition.

You can pay online with a Credit/Debit card or Check via or you can elect to pay with cash, check, or credit card at the event itself. - but you must pre-register! 

Disclaimer: The above event is subject to cancelation due to other event scheduling conflicts that may occur, all fees will be refunded.


Cohen Stadium

El Paso, TX
Download track map
Download track map


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - Pan American Region

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Cohen Stadium

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